Intelligence Quotient vs. Emotional Quotient

Intelligence Quotient

IQ is the scores obtained by the people in the assessment, prepare to test their intelligence. It is related to the learning ability and how the individuals apply this information. People with high IQ are good at logical reasoning, vocabulary, math skills and word comprehensive.

Emotional Quotient

EQ is the ability of the people to recognize, manage and express emotions. The EQ is determined through the way the individuals interact with each other and control emotions. High EQ level allows the individuals to become great players or leaders as they can effectively understand and connect with people.
Measurement of IQ and EQ

To measure the IQ, IQ test is used. The scores in the test are obtained by dividing the mental age with the chronological age and then multiply by 100. For example, if the mental age is 15 and chronological age is 10, then IQ is 150. By using this test, we can measure the abilities such as fluid reasoning, short term memory, quantitative reasoning and knowledge about the world.
The measurement of EQ is subjective, but, there are standardized tests to measure it. The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test make use of emotion based problem solving questions to measure EQ. it is used to measure abilities such as identify emotions, evaluating other’s feelings, controlling emotions, using emotion for communication purpose.

Which one is more important?

IQ is a determinant of success. People with high IQ can achieve success more easily than others. However, some argue that IQ measures the academic achievements and thus, EQ is also important for measuring the success.

EQ has more impact than IQ in certain areas such as business world. Several companies use EQ test in their hiring process. For example, sales agent requires less EQ to maximize the sales volume. Studies have shown that the sales agents having low EQ are able to make more sales than the agents with high EQ.

Emotional ability can also affect the choice made by the customers at the time of making their buying decisions. Customers buy more when a trusted sale agent deals with deal rather than a non trusted person. In some cases, they end up buying inferior quality at more cost from the trusted person.

How EQ can be learned?

Yes, EQ can be learned and improved. In schools, programs such as low suspension rate, high school attendance, less disciplinary problem can increase the level of EQ among students. In general, strategies like inducing positive behavior, giving character education, motivating people about other’s feeling and showing empathy towards them can increase the EQ level.
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